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Wilding (1)
Heckfield Place Hook RG27 0LD United Kingdom
Time 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Price Complimentary for Friends

September 1 2024 - Wilding (PG)

Join us for a screening of Wilding (PG) in the Screening Room on 1 September 2024 at 4 PM.

Timeout has described it as 'Longhorn cattle roaming an untamed landscape. Tiny bugs beavering away in a muddy microcosmos. Actual beavers doing the same in primordial waterways. You’d rub your eyes if you didn’t already know that this was West Sussex, a mild-mannered corner of England a few dozen miles from Gatwick Airport and the M25. It could be the Serangeti or, well, Narnia. Welcome to the Knepp Estate, a 3,500-acre farm-turned-rural idyll created by writer and conservationist Isabella Tree and her bug-obsessed aristocrat husband, Charles Burrell. The pair, despairing of the intensive farming methods that had left their land denuded and them £1.5 million in debt, experimented with just leaving it all the heck alone. Tree wrote a bestselling book about their risky experiment in 2018, a kind of Peat Pray Love of ecological rebirth.
Charted by director David Allen over 20 years, in a documentary that envelopes you like a Ready Brek glow, there’s no end of misty, sweeping landscapes (cinematographers Tim Cragg and Simon De Glanville give the English countryside widescreen grandeur) and plenty of stirring, but never cutesy, wildlife. Reconstructions, time-lapse photography and subtle CGI take us back to the madcap early days when the pair just seemed a bit barmy and Tamworth pigs would ham-raid marquees at Knepp fundraisers in search of canapés'.

Run time: 1hr 15 minutes

Please note that our screenings are for our resident guests and Friends of Heckfield. Friends will be provided with the link required to book in the monthly newsletter. 

Resident guests can get in touch with us here to book.

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